By 0xc1Sleeping to Dream
Bryan 没有想到,悲哀竟也具有延时性——过去的鬼魂又找上来,而这一次,他再也没有力气抵抗。
可惜可怜的 Bryan 只是一位可悲的一维时间生物,不知道自己的脑子在某些时刻中只充当着传音媒介的作用,将久远的信息传递给无数次迭代后的自己,同时做着带着淡淡悲哀的自信蠢事。这一刻他终于意识到了,夹在神与野兽中的人性的悲凉,然而仍然不受控制,要为这螺旋悲剧做祭品。
Ode on Melancholy
No, no, go not to Lethe, neither twist
Wolf's-bane, tight-rooted, for its poisonous wine;
Nor suffer thy pale forehead to be kiss'd
By nightshade, ruby grape of Proserpine;
Make not your rosary of yew-berries,
Nor let the beetle, nor the death-moth be
Your mournful Psyche, nor the downy owl
A partner in your sorrow's mysteries;
For shade to shade will come too drowsily,
And drown the wakeful anguish of the soul.
But when the melancholy fit shall fall
Sudden from heaven like a weeping cloud,
That fosters the droop-headed flowers all,
And hides the green hill in an April shroud;
Then glut thy sorrow on a morning rose,
Or on the rainbow of the salt sand-wave,
Or on the wealth of globed peonies;
Or if thy mistress some rich anger shows,
Emprison her soft hand, and let her rave,
And feed deep, deep upon her peerless eyes.
She dwells with Beauty—Beauty that must die;
And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips
Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh,
Turning to poison while the bee-mouth sips:
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine,
Though seen of none save him whose strenuous tongue
Can burst Joy's grape against his palate fine;
His soul shalt taste the sadness of her might,
And be among her cloudy trophies hung.
此刻他满腹凄惶,可怜的 Bryan。